Thursday, July 5, 2007

"TOUCH me and you've to marry me" she says

What a Girl MAN..... What a GIRL

A few weeks ago, i went with my sis for a trekking trip to Lata Berumbun in Malaysia and that was when i think i met the girl of my life.

Basically, she is one hell of an entertainer and kept on acusing me of peeking at her as well as entertaining us with her silly yet interesting antics and jokes.......when she informed us that she was under a scholarship from NIE training to become a teacher... i was like.... wat the hell ..... shouldn't she be the head of a monkey troupe in the moscow circus instead.....

In life, it is always a plus to have a crazy friend like miss xxx above to keep you occupied ,entertained.......the problem is that they are of a rare breed... almost extinct... hope you can find yours... haha

Miss xxx feeling shy... for Once


Sky A Jesus Lover said...


Spengster said...

Go and touch her okie?

I would like to see if she will hold her claim true.

Siang Ping