Monday, July 2, 2007

Screwed up a little

harry: 6 yrs primary, 4+1 secondary, 2+ 1 tertiary

harry's friends: 6 yrs primary, 4 secondary, 2 tertiary

Basically in my life so far i have relatively no regrets and i am quite happy with my present lifestyle, in a landed property house( hey not trying to show off hor ...... hehe) , have a closely knitted family, have experience the cultures of many different countries at my age, have groups of close friends......... blah blah blah. On a whole i am quite contented with my life so far except for one matter.
I'm a little behind Schedule ...... you see harry is from maris stella high school where there is only special and express streams hence almost all of the students are expected to go to junior colleges then to university. However, every year there are some jokers like harry who end up screwing up his studies by playing too much and repeating a year, thus he is left behind by his friends....when in secondary 4 and those who previously screwed up began studying like bloody nerds..... this joker went to join an S league centre of excellence under- 18 team and thus train 6 days a week.... end result... flopped his Os.... i can still vividly remember those memeries when i actually aimed to enter NJC... FAT CHANCE smart ass..... now those friends of mine are in the army and all have a place in either NTU or NUS while I'm still slogging my guts out for a diploma. They entered the army when their 19.. me 21.... 2 god dam years of my youth wasted...... my overall conclusion.... the wrong sperm met the wrong egg which led to a wrong chemical reaction..... you see my sis is doing very well ...
PSLE 255.....O levels 8A1 1A2......A level 4 As plus 2 S papers.....graduted with first class honours

'I have always thought.. if only i"ve study harder... if only i did not pick up soccer...if only another sperm won the race...... if only another egg drop out instead....... would it make a diff.erence.....maybe yes maybe no.

If any of the above happen...... i will not be here right now but with my buddies in the army.... maybe charging up an enermy bunker, rappelling down from a helicopter or maybe even parachuting into the jungles of thailand... who knows...

Anyway there is no point crying over spilt milk and the regrets in ones life.....
soldiering on with life..... mr harry cheong


PatriX said...

you are who you are, thou shalt have no regrets.

everyone is gifted in their own ways, take time to reveal the best in you

Spengster said...

Go find your own world man.

Trust me. Most of my fellow friends now with good certs may end up getting a well paid job BUT NO DIRECTION IN LIFE.
Do what you like best, with passion. Life aint accomplishing big stuff, but should be spent with NO REGRETS.


Spengster said...

Oh yah...just to let you know hw i feel abt JC students and uni life